About the Book
Title: A Tapestry of Light
Series Info: Stand Alone
Author: Kimberly Duffy
Genre: Historical Fiction
Book Info: Bethany House Publishers, March 16, 2021, 433 pages
In 1886 Calcutta, Ottilie Russell is adrift between two cultures, British and Indian, belonging to both and neither. In order to support her little brother, Thaddeus, and her grandmother, she relies upon the skills in beetle-wing embroidery that have been passed down to her through generations of Indian women.
When a stranger named Everett Scott appears with the news that Thaddeus is now Baron Sunderson and must travel to England to take his place as a nobleman, Ottilie is shattered by the secrets that come to light. Despite her growing friendship with Everett, friend to Ottilie’s English grandmother and aunt, she refuses to give up her brother. Then tragedy strikes, and she is forced to make a decision that will take Thaddeus far from death and herself far from home.
But betrayal and loss lurk in England too, and soon Ottilie must fight to ensure Thaddeus doesn’t forget who he is, as well as find a way to stitch a place for herself in a cold, foreign land.
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My Thoughts
What. A. Book!
I was completely enchanted by A Tapestry of Light. Duffy does an excellent job bringing the sights and sounds of colonial India to life. Through crowded streets, lush gardens, and the scent of Indian spices, I was transported to another world. Beautifully woven with a sprinkle of Hindi words and customs, we see 19th century India through, Duffy’s heroine, Ottilie Russell, a young woman of Eurasian (Indian & British) descent.
Ottilie is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. As her story begins, she is swept up in a tragedy that brings the vivid memories of losing her father and two sisters to cholera years earlier. Ottilie relies on her talent to embroider with iridescent beetle wings to support her family. Apparently this was a fashion craze in the 1800s and I’d never heard of it, so I looked it up. As you can see, It’s just lovely. I’ve had no idea those were the casings for beetle wings, would you?
Ottlie is guarded and fiercely protective of her only two remaining family members, her younger brother, Thaddeus, and her grandmother. While this may shy some readers away, I urge you to read on. Who hasn’t suffered in this world? Who hasn’t wondered where God is when the circumstances of their life overwhelm them? If our faith is so fragile that we cannot voice our doubts in our grief or despair and come out stronger on the other side, like Ottilie, I would question how strong it was in the first place.
Just like in her debut, A Mosaic of Wings, Duffy has once again created characters that leapt off the page into my heart. The story is told through Ottilie’s perspective, yet the entire cast of secondary characters were well thought out and developed. They were my friends and I was sorry to part with them when the story ended. Even the antagonists recognized their flawed thinking and seek forgiveness by novel’s end. But it was Everett Scott, Ottilie’s friend and eventual romantic interest, that took my heart by storm. Everett is a kind, honorable man, with a strong faith, who never looks down on Ottilie because she is of Eurasian heritage. As feelings grow between them, Everett is torn between the woman he loves and the responsibility he feels to carry on his father’s business and make him proud, thus redeeming himself from the sordid details of his own ancestry. But in order to do that, he needs a proper British wife, the kind that can open the right doors for him. Despite the fact I wanted to shake him at times for putting societal expectations above his growing feelings for Ottilie, Everett is one of my favorite heroes of the year. This flaw only made him more realistic, not only as a man of his era, but as a human being who needed to grow and be stretched. Seeing Everett open his heart to God, to allow God to prune him, and him being willing to let go of what he thought he’d always wanted, made Everett’s journey all the more satisfying.
And Duffy doesn’t shy away from tough topics like prejudice and racism. As a white woman living in one of America’s most affluent counties, I really appreciated the opportunity to see the world through Ottilie’s eyes. Although both her and her brother are Eurasian, Duffy shows the disparity between the way people treated her because she looked Indian where as Thaddeus looked British (white). She never felt fully accepted by either culture in India, but when she arrived in Britain, she felt alone and alienated in her own home, while her brother was touted as the next heir of Hazelbrook Manor. Her search for belonging, to be accepted for who she was, not what she appeared to be, is a theme I find especially relevant for today’s historical fiction reader.
I was given a copy of this book by the publisher. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Favorite Quotes
“You must look deeper beneath what a person shows. There is always a story. Things are never what they seem.”
“…since I arrived in London, I’ve learned family is made up of more than those related by blood. And before I left India, Dilip told me that home was never supposed to be a place. It is the people.”
“You’re not anything like I imagined, but so much more than I’d hoped for.”
“People will always see what’s easiest to understand.”
About the Author
Kimberly Duffy is a Long Island native currently living in Southwest Ohio, via six months in India. When she’s not homeschooling her four kids, she writes historical fiction that takes her readers back in time and across oceans. Her first novel was the highly acclaimed A Mosaic of Wings. You can find Kimberly at www.kimberlyduffy.com.
**This giveaway is now closed.**
Congratulations to our winner, Megan!
I’ll be giving away one paperback copy of A Tapestry of Light to one lucky Romancing History winner. To enter, let’s chat about exotic settings in novels. I must admit that India wasn’t high on my list of places to travel but now I really want to visit this country that Duffy has brought to life in her first two books. What book has made you want to travel to another city or country? Why?
Alison Boss
Hi Kelly! Was there a winner selected?
Roxanne C.
The English Garden Series by Lori Wick made me to travel back in time to 1810s London, England and stroll through the gardens.
Hi Roxanne, Welcome to Romancing History! I’ve never read Lori Wick but I’m all about your time travel idea! Good luck in the drawing!
Vivian Furbay
India does have a lot of exotic places. So does Africa. I wouldn’t mind visiting Hawaii which has some beautiful places.
Hi Vivian, I haven’t been to any of those places but there’s always hope!
I’d like to go to Australia! I have spend a few days on a tour of Scotland but would love to go back and see more of it!
Hi Joan, Oh you can sign me up for a trip to Australia any day! Excellent choice!
Abby Breuklander
I would love to visit Ireland because of A Dance in Donegal by Jennifer Deibel!
Hi Abby, Welcome to Romancing History! I’ve heard so much about A Dance in Donegal! I’m gonna have to move that up TBR pile! Thanks for visitng today and good luck in the drawing!
A Girls Guide to the Outback by Jessica Kate made me want to visit Australia sometime in the future. Thanks for sharing your review, and for the chance to win!
Lori Altebaumer
I have heard nothing but wonderful things about this book and uoyr review just confirms everything I’ve heard…and makes me even more excited to read it. By the way, thanks for the beautiful picture of the embroidery with beetle casings. I had no idea but that is stunning.
Hey Lori, I thought the same thing about the beetle wing embroidery. I just couldn’t imagine what it looked like and my breath was just taken away! Thanks for visiting today!
Hi Megan, Oh Australia….that is definitely on the bucket list!
diane Hurd
Looks like a really good read. I love to read am always looking for new authors to try. thanks for the chance.
Hi Diane, Welcome to Romancing History! Oh I think you’ll love Kimberly’s books. As I said, her descriptions just swept me away!
Cherie J
Reading many of the literary classics like Pride and Prejudice has made me want to go to England for a long time. I hope I can get there someday.
Hi Cherie, Welcome to Romancing History! I love Austen books, too. I would love to see Bath. Thanks for visiting.
Lynda E.
All of Jane Austen’s books have made me long to see England and the places that form the backdrop for her novels! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi Lynda, Welcome to Romancing History! YES, YES, YES! Sign me up and I will travel with you. Did you know there is a great Jane Austen festival each year in Bath and people dress up to go? I soooooo want to do that! Thanks for visiting today!
Caryl Kane
I just finished reading “The Beirut Protocol” by Joel C. Rosenberg. I longing to return to Israel.
Hi Caryl, I’ve never read his books but have wanted, too. And I hope to visit Israel some day, too. What an amazing experience that would be.
Alison Boss
I find Ireland very intriguing. I just recently read a Christmas novella, Christmas in Galway by Elizabeth Ludwig. It reminded me a bit of a movie I so enjoy called Leap Year, which is set in Ireland. There is a new book, A Dance in Donegal by Jennifer Deibel. I haven’t read it yet, but I have heard it is a great story and the author does an awesome job of describing the landscape, people and cultures of Ireland. I am looking forward to reading it!
Thank you, Kelly, for your wonderful review of A Tapestry of Light! This book grabbed my attention from the first I read about it. I find the craft of embroidering with iridescent beetle wings fascinating! Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this book!!
Hi Alison, I love Leap Year! Such a fun movie and those Irish accents just set my heart a flutter. Best of luck in the drawing!
Dana McNeely
I nearly always want to travel to the country where the book I’m reading is set. I read a historical mystery “Strange Gods” by Annamaria Alfieri that was so beautiful, moody, and evocative I felt I had walked into early twentieth-century British East Africa. Like you said, though, I’d need a time machine to get there. Love historical fiction, set just about anywhere.
Hi Dana, Welcome to Romancing History! I love historical fiction and romance the best, too! My friends have a device called an oculus. it’s a virtual reality device and I told my husband if they every come up with historical scenarios, I may spend all my free time there! LOL! They are so lifelike. Thanks for commenting today!
Winnie Thomas
I love books set in Scotland. It’s one of my “heart” places. I also love Switzerland. My mother’s parents were both born there, and it’s such a beautiful place. I loved visiting there a few years ago. I haven’t read many books set there. The only one I can think of right now is Heidi, which I loved when I was younger.
Hi Winnie, OH, I want to visit Scotland, too!
Perrianne Askew
Until We Find Home by Cathy Gohlke because I would love to see the area when Beatrix Potter lived. It sounds kind of magical and I think I would enjoy it.
Hi Perrianne, I haven’t read that book yet but I agree, I think it would be a lovely place to visit. Thanks for stopping by today!
Carla Laureano’s contemporary books and Liz Curtis Higgs make me want to visit Scotland!
Hi Patty, I’d so love to visit Scotland. I’m always amazed when an author can make us want to visit the places they write about.
I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland, especially after reading Father Tim visit it in the Mitford book, “In the Company of Others.” This one sounds so good! Thanks for sharing about it and for hosting the giveaway!
Hi Alison, Thanks for visiting Romancing History today. I’ve always wanted to visit Ireland. I’ve seen many movies set there (A Quiet Man and Leap Year) come to mind, but I’m not sure if I’ve read a book set there. Oh wait, there are some chapters in A Passion Most Pure (by Jullie Lessman) where I think the heroine returns to Ireland to visit her family. That’s another fantastic read if you haven’t already.
Diana Flowers
Great review! I would love to visit Ireland — especially after reading Jennifer Deibel’s wonderfully descriptive book, A Dance in Donegal! I enjoyed A Mosaic of Wings. Love books set in India. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
Hi Diana, Welcome to Romancing History! I’ve been wanting to read A Dance in Donegal as I, too, am partial to books set anywhere in the United Kingdom. My father’s family came from County Cook and I look forward to visiting that country some day.
Melissa Andres
This sounds really good. Great review! I’m always intrigued by books set in the Caribbean. I want to go!
Hi Melissa, Thanks so much. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book set in the Caribbean. Which one would you recommend?
Betsy T.
Wonderful review! There are so many books I have read by various authors that make me want to visit England and Scotland again.
Hi Betsy, Oh yes, especially if there was a time machine, right? Thanks for visiting Romancing History and good luck in the drawing!