I’m thrilled to welcome dear friend and fellow Pelican Book Group author, Barbara Britton, back to Romancing History today. The third book in Barb’s fabulous Daughters of Zelophehad series, Claiming Canaan, just released. Although I haven’t had a chance to read it yet, it is on my TBR pile and I’m anxiously awaiting the conclusion of this amazing series.
And, Barb has graciously offered to giveaway an Ebook copy of one of the books in the series, Winner’s Choice! Details to enter the Giveaway are below.
Saying Good-bye to Historic Girls
Guest post by Barbara Britton
Thank you for having me back on the blog, Kelly. I appreciate you faithfully reading my series on the daughters of Zelophehad.
The daughters of Zelophehad are five orphaned sisters who went to Moses and asked to inherit their deceased father’s land. Moses deferred to God, and God agreed with the girls. God said that if a man died without a son, his daughters could inherit his land (Numbers 27:1-11). The sisters’ “bold ask” was new to me a few years ago. Now, as the last book in the series releases, I am sad to say good-bye to Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.
In “Claiming Canaan,” the girls receive their land. We know from Joshua 17:3-6 that the sisters approached Eleazar the priest, Joshua, and the leaders of Israel. The girls remind the powerful leaders of Israel about their historic inheritance. These girls had guts! But they also knew that it had been several years since God’s decree about their land, and at this point in time, Moses was long gone.
As an author, I had to decide what type of land the girls would receive. I placed them in the Jezreel Valley near Canaanite cities that were inhabited by idol worshipers. What would faith in action look like for these girls? I bestowed on Milcah, the protagonist in this final book, a (spoiler alert) vineyard. You could probably discern Milcah’s inheritance from the book cover. Would a vineyard be controversial?
I delved into Scripture and discovered that the “Proverbs 31 Woman” planted a vineyard (Proverbs 31:16-17). How had I missed this purchase? She also works vigorously which is something Milcah discovers comes hand in hand with owning a vineyard. Farming is not easy.
I placed the daughters of Zelophehad in the Jezreel Valley. The valley is lush and green. We see later on in Scripture in I Kings 21 that Naboth owns a vineyard in Jezreel. He does not sell his vineyard to King Ahab because it is part of God’s promised land. Tribal lands were important—a gift from God. God places restrictions on the daughters of Zelophehad and who they could marry in Numbers, chapter 36, so their land would not jump to the tribe of their husband. Land bestowed on the tribes needed to stay with that specific tribe. Naboth understands the importance of keeping his God-given land, but unfortunately it costs him his life. The sisters understand the importance of keeping their land within the tribe of Manasseh when they respond to their restrictions with faith.
Numbers 36:10 says, “So Zelophehad’s daughters did as the Lord commanded Moses.”
So, my series ends with girls staining their feet while stomping grapes and going forth with God into a land filled with hardship and unbelievers.
I hope the faith of Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah inspires us all.
Are these brave girls new to you?
About the Book
When the tribal elders make marriage a requirement for claiming her land, Milcah bat Zelophehad must find a betrothed straightaway. The only problem in finding a husband is that all her suitors were slain while conquering the land of Canaan. Men avoid her in order to stay alive.
After praying to God to send her a bold suitor, a man from her father’s clan plummets from a tree right on top of her. Is this God answering prayer, or a foolish antic by Eli, the war-scarred brother from one of her clan’s rival families?
Will settling in Canaan sort out Milcah’s troubles, or have her woes just begun?
Find the finale on Amazon, Barnes&Noble and where books are sold.
Excerpt from Claiming Canaan
Who is stealing grapes from Milcah and Eli?
Traveling toward the road, they carefully counted the lines of grape plants until they had reached the seventh row. Eli tapped his sword and motioned for her to give him a berth to draw his weapon. He unsheathed his blade. Muted light gleamed on the worn iron.
From grape plant to grape plant, they slipped closer to the thieves. The width of the plants and bush-like thickness of the grape leaves and clusters, blocked their bodies from view.
Her palms dampened as they neared the pickers. She wished she had drunk her fill before hurrying into the field, for her tongue could not find a drop of saliva. Was Eli as frightened? Or did year upon year of battles, prepare one for a fight?
Eli stilled.
Branches rustled on the next planting.
With the stealth of a predator, Eli shifted into the middle of the path.
Someone ducked from under the grape leaves, basket in hand. A boy. Not much older than Jonah. Ten years of age at most.
The young man did not flee, or attack, or give a defense. He stared. Dropping his basket, he leapt backward and tripped, felled by the girth of the basket brimming with grape clusters.
“Where did you run off to, Yarrat,” a woman’s voice asked in a harsh whisper.
Suddenly, crawling from underneath the tall stalks of the plant, a babe appeared. A girl with cheeks darkened by Milcah’s grapes. The girl’s face crumpled. She collapsed onto the path and whimpered. Her round-eyed gaze fixated on Eli’s sword.
These bandits were a family. Milcah’s heart hollowed at the sight of the little girl’s torn covering.
“Answer me, son.” The woman ducked from the next row, tossed her grapes at a half-filled basket, and shrieked. A spooked lark catapulted toward the night sky.
The little girl wailed. The boy remained prone on the ground, feigning a corpse.
“Do—do not harm my children.” The woman dropped to her knees. Her words and her clasped hands begged Eli to spare their lives.
Eli remained a sculpture of flesh.
“We mean you no harm.”
Milcah approached and stood by Eli’s side. “This vineyard was given to us by the One True God. It is an inheritance from my father.”
The boy scrambled to his feet. Hands fisted, he yelled, “You killed my father.”
Finally, the little thief had spoken.
About Barbara
Barbara M. Britton lives in Southeast Wisconsin and loves the snow—when it accumulates under three inches. She is published in Biblical fiction and enjoys bringing little-known Bible characters to light in her stories. Look for Barb to venture into Christian Historical fiction in June with “Until June.” Barb is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Romance Writers of America and Wisconsin Romance Writers of America. Barb has a nutrition degree from Baylor University but loves to dip healthy strawberries in chocolate. Find out more about Barb’s books on her website: www.barbarambritton.com.
Barb is also on Twitter, Facebook and Goodreads.
Barb is graciously giving away an Ecopy of one book in her Daughters of Zelophehad series (Lioness, Heavenly Lights, or Claiming Canaan) to one lucky Romancing History reader–winner’s choice. To enter, tell us which Biblical heroine inspires you the most!
**Giveaway ends at midnight on April 6, 2020.
Rebekah Miller
My favorite Biblical heroine is Ruth, but I also love the story of Esther. So wonderful to see God redeem Ruth as an individual and through Esther, He saved his whole people.
Barbara M. Britton
Hi Rebekah. You’re named after a Bible heroine, too. I like the story of Ruth. She chose to put others and God before herself. And Boaz is pretty great too. Thanks for joining us.
Lori Altebaumer
Sounds like an intriguing read. Adding to the TBR list! I am most inspired by Esther. “If I perish, I perish.” That is courage overcoming fear and trusting in the Lord that she is a part of His plan, not the other way around. Thanks Barbara and Kelly.
Hey Lori, I know you’ll enjoy Barb’s stories. Esther is a favorite of mine as well. Thanks for visiting.
Barbara M. Britton
Hi Lori. I love Esther. When I was in the 5th grade, I did a report on her to my “Women in History” class. I even drew what I thought she looked like. She was one brave cookie. Thanks for joining us.
I’m not sure if I have heard of these daughters of Zelophehad. It sounds like an interesting story.
Hi Brenda, I hadn’t either. Not too long ago I was reading in the book of Numbers and came across them. All five sisters listed and it tickled me as I’ve read 2 of the books in the series so far. Good luck in the drawing and thanks for stopping by!
Barbara M. Britton
Hi Brenda. I was surprised how much Scripture there was on them. It’s a long list.
Numbers 26:33, Numbers 27:1-11, Numbers 36: 1-12 and Joshua 17:3-7. There’s even a reference to Zelophehad in I Chronicles and it mentions he had only daughters.
Thanks for joining us.
Debi MacLean
This looks so good. Thank you for sharing your God given talent. May God Bless You and keep you safe and in his care.
Hi Debi, I’m positive you’d enjoy them. Thanks for visiting the blog and good luck in the drawing.
Barbara M. Britton
Thank you, Debi! May God bless you, too. I’m so glad I discovered these girls in Scripture. Better late than never.
Carol James
Can’t wait to read this, Barb. You have such a talent for bringing these accounts to life!
Hi Carol, I agree whole-heartedly. I haven’t read much Biblical fiction until I started reading Barb’s stories and I’ve really enjoyed them. Thanks for stopping by.
Barbara M. Britton
Thank you for your kind words, Carol. These girls were so much fun to bring to life. I appreciate you joining us.
Mary A. Felkins
You’re the queen of Biblical fiction, Barb! God has truly gifted you with the ability to take readers to ancient lands and discover what it was like for those who have been overlooked but have much to teach us.
Hi Mary, I couldn’t agree more. Barb really brings the Bible to life when I read her stories.
Barbara M. Britton
Aw, thank you Mary…and Kelly. I taught chapel for many years before writing Biblical Fiction. I loved discovering Bible stories and making them come alive for the kids. I hope my excitement shows in my writing. I appreciate you joining us!
Kathy Bailey
Barbara this looks good. I have never attempted Biblical fiction because of the research. How much research do you do before you start a story? Do you have to start over with each book in the series, or does it roll over?
Glad to hear you are trying Christian Historical. What period?
It is raining here and I have to go shopping, yuck, hope they don’t make me stand in line outside. Talk to you later,
Barbara M. Britton
Hi Kathy,
I was fortunate that I was able to follow the daughters of Zelophehad as the Israelites crossed over into Canaan. These books were in the same time period, so once the initial research was done, I could keep moving on the story. Historicals are difficult to write because of all the research. It slows the writing time of a book. My Historical (Until June) is set in 1918-1919.
I may write another Historical, but yes, thinking about the research is daunting.
Thanks for joining us, Kathy.
Barbara M. Britton
Thanks for having me back on the blog, Kelly.